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The "Financial Planning Blueprint" Blog

Jason Flurry, CFP
Dec 29, 20224 min read
Are you dialing the right number?
We have all received a call on our phones only to realize the person on the other end had accidentally dialed the wrong number....

Jason Flurry, CFP
Sep 14, 20224 min read
We have a word for that...
As you probably saw, the stock market had a bit of a panic attack yesterday over an inflation report that was released by the government....

Jason Flurry, CFP
Jul 5, 20226 min read
A night to remember and a year to forget (so far)
In 1958, there was an award-winning film called A Night To Remember that recounted the sinking of the Titanic. So far, this year is...

Jason Flurry, CFP
Jan 20, 20224 min read
What you focus on magnifies
Concentration and focus can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what you choose to focus on. It’s why diets can be helpful, at...

Jason Flurry, CFP
Jul 31, 20214 min read
Investors Beware: Uncle Joe could be coming for you soon
I’ve heard it said that people who complain about taxes can be divided into two classes: men and women. And it seems that almost everyone...

Jason Flurry, CFP
Mar 30, 20214 min read
Crowd Control: How to keep making progress on your goals in today’s stock market
Remember when you used to be able to go to large events, like a concert or a ball game? Remember way back – like just over a year ago...

Jason Flurry, CFP
Sep 19, 20206 min read
How to become a millionaire: 7 steps to reach your goal
From time to time I am interviewed for articles in national media publications like the Wall Street Journal , Yahoo Finance, and CNBC....

Jason Flurry, CFP
Sep 18, 20205 min read
Using an old concept to explain the new normal in today’s financial markets
Even if you don’t know much about economics, you likely understand the basics of how supply and demand work to affect prices. Over the...

Jason Flurry, CFP
May 27, 20203 min read
Risk vs. Uncertainty - How to manage both during these challenging times
Usually when it comes to investing, people talk about the relationship between risk and reward. There are always risks to consider when...

Jason Flurry, CFP
Apr 22, 20203 min read
Taking MC Hammer’s approach to analyzing the current financial markets
Do you remember MC Hammer’s big song U Can’t Touch This? Of course you do. In fact, you’re probably even singing it in your head right...

Jason Flurry, CFP
Mar 12, 20203 min read
The end of the bull market has finally arrived - What it means and what to do next
Did you realize that just one month ago today, we were hitting an all-time high in the stock market? And now just a few weeks later we...

Jason Flurry, CFP
Jan 6, 20202 min read
New Decade - Same old market hype
I see articles about the financial markets all the time that look interesting, but when you actually read them or see them featured in an...

Jason Flurry, CFP
Jun 24, 201912 min read
How to protect yourself from the silent killer in your investment portfolio
One of the most misunderstood things that I see when I’m reviewing someone’s financial situation is the amount of risk they think they’re...

Jason Flurry, CFP
Jun 17, 20199 min read
How to start living like you’re retired NOW!
When you really think about it, everything is always built twice. Whether it’s a blueprint for a building or a blueprint for your life,...

Jason Flurry, CFP
Jun 10, 20197 min read
The surprising truth behind why the experts can’t beat the stock market
In my last article, I talked a little bit about how bonds were a lot like dairy cows. And in today’s article, I’ll continue to on that...

Jason Flurry, CFP
Jun 3, 20196 min read
Why bonds are a lot like dairy cows...
There’s a lot of talk in the financial media about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, hedge funds, and other financial terms that everyone just...

Jason Flurry, CFP
May 20, 20197 min read
How to know the difference between smart debt and dumb debt
I think it’s safe to say that most people believe that being in debt is a bad thing. The debtor is a slave to the lender and if you’ve...

Jason Flurry, CFP
Apr 15, 20199 min read
How to avoid the three most common mistakes rookie investors make
When I first started in the financial services industry as a broker, the training we received was focused on transactions. Making the...

Jason Flurry, CFP
Mar 25, 20197 min read
How to supercharge the three most important pieces in your financial planning puzzle
...and why ignoring them causes most people fail financially. Before I get into today’s article, let me take you way back from it. How...

Jason Flurry, CFP
Mar 4, 201911 min read
Analyzing mutual funds and their role in your investment portfolio
Is what you have really what you think you have? Most people have heard of mutual funds as a way to invest money. Even if they don’t know...
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